Josie’s Blog12

The Proudest Moment in my Life
Way back in September 2018, it was a tense, unexplainable yet unforgettable day for me. I took the Licensed Professional for Teacher’s exam. On that day, I felt nervous. The exam starts at 8:00 in the morning. When the examiner handed in the test paper, my hands were shaking. The exam was difficult. Every time I didn’t know the answer, I paused for a while and pray. The exam finished at 6:00 in the evening and I felt like I lost all my energy. We have to wait for 3 months until the result. Day’s passed, I felt pressured and overthink what if I couldn’t pass? The day of the result, I was more nervous, stressed, and couldn’t focus at work. I did not open any of my social medias but my friend sent me a message that I passed the exam. My friends, relatives and even my family posted on my facebook timeline to congratulate me. I was trying to process my brain if it is true and my friends sent me proof. I couldn’t believe it although there were times I doubted myself.
My best weapon that time is praying. You have to believe in yourself that you can do it!