
My Love for Dogs

I have been a dog lover since I was a little kid. All the dogs that we have had, their names and their memories remain in my heart. I can even remember how much I cried and felt sad the day they were gone.

My family loves both cats and dogs. I also like cats; however, my love for dogs is beyond comparison. Dogs never fail to make me happy. I may look crazy, but when I see dogs on the streets or anywhere, no matter how filthy or unhealthy they are, I speak to them or want to touch them. I do not know why but I become childish when I meet dogs. 

One of my great wishes is to build a shelter or foundation for stray dogs. I want to adopt and rescue abandoned or street dogs and give them care, love and a better life. 

I first adopted a dog during the COVID lockdown. I found this weeks-old puppy in the woods near my house starving and so weak that it could not walk. It seemed that it had been thrown there 2 days before I saw it. Despite being aware that my family- in- law dislikes raising a dog because of the cost of the medication if someone is bitten, I immediately picked up the puppy and brought it home. My heart just melted and I could not describe the sadness and pity that I felt while seeing the poor puppy. When my family saw the pup, they felt the same way as I did so they were eventually okay to have that dog in the house. From that day on, I have been much happier. My dog has changed me in some ways. I became a bit active outdoors. My weekend used to be boring and sedentary but it became enjoyable since the dog came into my life. My pet got me to spend some of my time on weekends outside the house. He loves going for walks and going swimming in the sea, and I realized that doing these things is much more stimulating.

It is an undeniable fact that having a dog brings many upsides to our life.


私の家族は猫と犬の両方ともすきですが。 私は猫も好きですが、犬好きの思いは猫を超えています。 犬はいつだって私を幸せにしてくれます。狂ってるように思われるかもしれませんが、私が路上などで犬を見たとき、どんなに汚いかあるいは不健康そうであったとしても、いつも話しかけたい思いでいっぱいです。 私は犬に会うたびに、なぜだか幼稚っぽくなってしまいます。


