
A Life Well-Lived

You know, there are times when I miss being my old self. A careless little kid. When you have nothing to worry about was to play, eat etc. but we cannot stay forever as a kid. We grew up and we will encounter many things. We had to learn to adapt to any given situation.

When we were kids, we thought that we would be safe and sheltered. We had no clue about what being an adult was going to look like. We just thought we would grew up one day, get rich, get married and live in a big house. When we actually grew up, we got a reality check. Money doesn’t come easily. Being an adult is hard. But that’s part of our lives. Sometimes we think negative things especially when making decisions. We know what is right for us. We are wiser. We are scared to make mistakes and scared of failure.

But all we need is a little sunshine of a reminder that everything is going to turn out just fine. Yes, we made mistakes. Whether we learned anything from them and correct our errors is what matters the most.  Our life has so much to offer. Just enjoy every bit of it along the way. 


私たちが子供たちだったとき、私たちは安全で保護されている存在と思うことが多いでしょう。当時の私たちは、大人であることについての手がかりがありませんからね。 1日育っただけで、金持ちになる、結婚し、大きな家に住むような理想を追い求めることもあるでしょう。 実際に成長するにつれて、お金は簡単には手にはいりませんし、大人であることに難しさを感じることもあります。何か選択に迫られたときに、ネガティブになることもあります。しかし何が正しいことかを知っていることも多く、そういった意味では賢いとも言えます。 私たちは間違いや失敗を怖がっているだけなのでしょう。
