
How My Life Changed After Getting Married

Brenda's 'Next to God Are Thy Parents'

Way back in my single life, I used to be a happy-go-lucky person. I did not care and plan much about my future. I just enjoyed every moment of my life. I didn’t even study seriously in university. In fact, I sometimes spent my free time at a drinking bar with my classmates and attended the next class already drunk. And the worst thing was, I skipped some of my classes and wasted my day at a mall or at my friend’s house. My parents were unmindful of what kind of student I was. 

However, despite being a mischievous student, I never flunked any exams. My GPA was rather high, and I successfully graduated from university. 

A half year later after my graduation, I got married. Then my life started to change after having a child. I never met my friends at all. My priorities and focus were diverted to raising my baby and planning for our future. I learned to work hard and sacrifice things. I also began to feel that I had to give up the pleasures in my life. Inch by inch, I became mentally and emotionally mature. The person I was then is not the person I am now.

I have been married for 9 years now, and with this period, my world has just revolved around my family. 



