”Jovit’s Blog1

“You cannot taste the sweetness of success unless you can taste the bitterness of sacrifices”.
This is how I view life now after years of existence.
For others life is a mystery or life is a journey. There is no perfect description of what life should be. Just we live life as it is. We do what we do every single day. At times, it is routinary or oddly, things can happen in unexpected way.
My life as an English teacher has its own vicissitudes. I started unequipped with the required skills yet I worked through it by reading piles of books and by watching a lot of Hollywood movies and/or American dramas, just to achieve my fluency and competency in the language.
It wasn’t a smooth sailing yet I am much delighted of the outcome of my hard work. They say, “NO PAIN, NO GAIN”. And I couldn’t agree more!!!
If you want to achieve something, work for it and give your all because what you give is what you receive.
「NO PAIN、NO GAIN」と言われますが、これには本当に同意します!!