Malou’s Blog3
Famous Foods and Desserts in Cebu, Philippines, which I considered all as my favorite.
I was born in Cebu City, which is known as the Queen City of the south. I am a proud resident of this city because it has a lot of things to offer. Examples of these are tourists spots specifically beautiful beaches and of course, our mouthwatering foods and desserts – to which this blog is focused on Like, before the COVID-19 pandemic many visitors from different countries travelled to my city. They have tasted Cebu’s popular foods and delicacies and they have liked all of these. Cebuanos – which refers to people, who are born and have lived in Cebu for a long time, really love oily, and a little salty main courses and of course, colorful and sweet desserts. An example of a little oily and salty delicacy which is popular in Cebu is called, “CHICHARON” it is a kind of pork that is deep fried and is carefully dried before packing and selling.( Oh! I wish I can eat that every day. However, my mom often yells at me that it is oily , but still it is so delicious for me). I am certain that most visitors who visited in Cebu brought packs of chicharon to their respective countries.

Another food which Cebuanos are delightful of is, “LECHON” it is a kind of roasted pig on a bamboo pole. It is a very yummy dish which is commonly eaten during special events like birthdays, weddings, family gatherings and etc..
In addition to this, let’s have Cebu’s famous desserts, “Halo-halo” is a special dessert known in the whole Philippines. However, I find Cebu’s Halo-halo to be the best. It has small cubes of fresh fruits like mango, jackfruit and strips of coconut fruit with milk, corn and flakes on top. It is best served during summer months and finally, the dessert that is loved my many people in the world is also special in my city and that is called “MILK TEA”. It is a little expensive for us. However, its enticing taste really compels us to buy.
セブで人気のある油っぽくて塩辛い珍味の例が「チチャロン」と呼ばれ、一度油で揚げてから丁寧に乾かして梱包される豚肉です。(毎日食べられたらいいのにな〜と思います笑) 。しかし、私の母はそれがいつも油っぽいと言ってきます。それでもそれは私にとってはとてもおいしいものです。セブを訪れたほとんどの旅行者は、チチャロンのお土産を買って帰ったひとが多いと確信しています。
セブアノが喜ぶもう一つの食べ物は、竹の棒で焼いた豚の丸焼きである「レチョン」です。 誕生日、結婚式、家族の集まりなどの特別なイベントでよく食べられるとてもおいしい料理です。
これに加えて、セブの有名なデザートを食べてほしいです!それは「ハロハロ」と呼ばれ、フィリピン全土で知られているデザートです。 しかし、フィリピンの中でも特にセブのハロハロが最高だと思います。 マンゴー、ジャックフルーツ、ココナッツフルーツのストリップなどの新鮮なフルーツが立方体に型どられていて、ミルク、コーン、フレークが上にのっています。 夏の時期に食べるのが一番で、
「ミルクティー」は世界中で有名だと思いますが、セブでも愛されているデザートの一種です。少し高価なので私にとっては特別なデザートです。 その魅力的なミルクティーの味は本当に私たちの飲みたいという欲望を駆り立てます。