Yani’s Blog6
Cebu’s famous Pungko-Pungko
Cebu is not only known for it’s famous Sinulog Festival, white sand beaches and it’s historic buildings. It is also known for it’s great food.
Everybody loves food, and the Cebuano’s are one of them. Cebu has a wide range of restaurants, may it be local and international. If you’re in the area, you shouldn’t miss the chance to try the mouthwatering food the Queen City of the South has to offer.
Today we’re not going to talk about the fancy restaurants you should try in Cebu but instead we’ll talk about these sidewalk delicacies found all around Cebu, pungko-pungko.
What is Pungko-pungko?
Pungko-pungko are food stalls, which sells a wide choice fried food, they are usually found along the busy streets of Cebu.

Pungko is the Cebuano term for squatting, which is what you do when going to a pungko-pungko. Given the low benches and small tables you will have to slump over while eating. For that reason, it is called “pungko-pungko”.
Pungko-pungko is great for people who are on a budget, wants to save time and for students like me. In addition, the food is delicious and affordable.

The food you find in a pungko-pungko vary from stall to stall but they typically consist of lumpia, ngohiong, bola-bola, hotdog, longganisa, ginabot, crab meat, eggs, okoy (shrimp cake) and many more assortments of fried food which are all best paired with vinegar and puso (hanging rice).
One of the most popular and accessible Pungko-Pungko places in Cebu is located in Fuente Osmena. There are about 20+ stalls in this stretch. Vendors lease a stall for a monthly low-fixed-rent and their spot is constantly reeled to have a fair share of revenue (since strategic location greatly impacts their sales level). Today, they may occupy the front most stall and tomorrow at the rearmost. Operating hours starts at 6am and ends at 9pm.
セブは、有名なシヌログ祭り、白いビーチ、歴史的な建造物として知られているだけではありません。 素晴らしい料理があることでも知られています。
誰もが食べ物を愛すように、セブに住む人もその一人です。 セブには色んなレストランがあり、地元のレストランから国際的なレストランまでさまざまです。セブの近くにいるなら、南の女王都市と言われるセブが提供する食欲をそそる食事の機会を逃してはいけません。
Pungkoは、しゃがむことを表すセブアノ語で、pungko-pungkoに行くときにやる様子を表しています。 低いベンチと小さなテーブルを考えると、食事をしながらしゃがむ必要があります。 そのため、「プンコプンコ」と呼ばれています。
Pungko-pungkoは、お金と時間を節約したい人や学生に最適です。 食べ物も美味しくて、手頃な価格です。
セブで最も人気がありアクセスしやすいPungko-Pungkoは、FuenteOsmenaという場所にあり、約20以上の屋台があります。提供者は安い賃料で毎月屋台をリースし、常に収益が公平になるようになっています。(戦略的な場所が販売数に大きく影響するため)。 今日、一番先頭の屋台を占めた人は、明日は一番後ろになるかもしれません。 営業時間は午前6時に始まり、午後9時に終わります。