
Cherlie’s Blog12

Shopping Bags | Richardson's Holiday Parks

I love Shopping!

Do you agree that shopping is a great stress buster?  

Each individual has their own way of relieving uncomfortable internal feelings such as stress. Doing exercise, spending time with friends or family, sleeping, eating or drinking alcohol are some of the simple ways people do to combat stress and anxiety. I had tried all of these, but they did not seem to work on me. Until I discovered the most effective way to alleviate my stress, and that’s shopping!

When I am upset or just feeling down, shopping gives me a way of looking past that feeling and lighting myself up by buying what I want, but of course, I make sure that I can afford the things that I would like to get. 

Nothing tops that feeling of excitement to put on new clothes or new shoes when we are getting ready to go out.

On the other hand, shopping can be addictive and uncontrollable, so I try to control myself and assure that I will not face any personal relationship problems and financial difficulties.

Although shopping is extremely therapeutic for me, I do not want to see myself very hooked on it. I still want to shop responsibly.


それぞれが、ストレスなどの不快な内部感情を軽減するための独自の方法を持っています。 それは、運動や友人や家族と過ごす時間、眠ること、飲み食いなどです。ストレスや不安に戦うために人々がやる簡単な方法と言えます。私はこれらすべてを試しましたが、自分には合っていなかったようです。私はついにストレスを軽減するための最も効果的な方法を発見したのです、それは買い物です!



