Malou’s Blog12

“My realizations on the Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables”
Most of the nutritious vegetables and fruits are broccoli, apples, avocado, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables and blueberries.
Do you eat any of the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables? Well now, you have to be reminded on the adage, ”health is wealth”.
Since I was a child up until before this COVID-19 pandemic, I have never been serious on eating a lot of vegetables and fruits. I usually just have a vegetable dish once a day and with regards to fruits I just had it like twice a week, for I thought that time that meat and other food rich in protein are the most essential, which must be taken by people every meal and thus, the best for our bodies conditions.
However, the outbreak of the corona virus has taught me to keep an eye more on my health most especially on my daily dose of vitamin C, which can naturally be obtained by eating citrus fruits like, lemon, mandarin, lime and grapefruit.

As, a result to this realization. I have changed my eating style for almost a year, like I always include fruits in every meal even if it is just a piece or pieces of a certain kind of fruit. In connection to this, I have also learnt to love eating green leafy vegetables, which I really hated before.
Fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins. They also have fiber, which is good for our stomach.
I read a research on “Eating five kinds of vegetables and two kinds of fruits every day is the key to good health.”
These days, I eat apples and I always have lemon slices into my water bottle to protect myself against the corona virus.
So, what are you waiting for …be healthier now.
Covid-19 Pandemicの前までまるで子供みたいでしたので、私はたくさんの野菜や果物を食べることに真剣に考えたことはありませんでした。私は通常、野菜料理を1日1回、そして果物に関しては週に2回くらいの頻度で、肉や他の食べ物が最も不可欠であると思っていました。
果物と野菜は鉱物とビタミンを含みます。 また食物繊維も兼ね備えています。それは私たちの胃腸にとっても良いです。