Cherlie’s Blog13

The Food That I Cannot Stand
Beef is known to be beneficial and nutritious. Despite its nutrition facts and health benefits, it is sad to say that I really hate all beef dishes. In my life, I have never tasted it. Beef dishes, particularly beefsteak, seem delicious. However, I just cannot stand the smell and that is the primary reason why beef disgusts me. I am very sensitive to the smell and it makes me feel nauseous.
In fact, everyone in my family, except my father, dislikes it and we have the same reason- we all loathe beef.
One day, my father came home from a birthday party and brought a beef dish. As soon as we smelled it, we started to throw up. My mother got mad and ordered my father to throw the food away. He ended up cleaning the kitchen and did the washing-up to totally get rid of the beef smell in our household.

Do we also hate milk?
This may sound strange, but we love milk, especially powdered milk, despite being aware that it comes from cows. Milk does not have any unpleasant odor. It does not smell like beef.
Many people wondered and asked me why I have an intense dislike of beef. Well, I should put the blame on my mother. She has never prepared any beef dishes since my siblings and I were young. If I had been exposed to beef before, I would not care about the smell and would get used to eating it. She firstly hated beef, and we were likely to be influenced by her.
牛肉は栄養価が高いことが知られています。 その栄養成分と健康上のメリットがあるにもかかわらず、私が牛肉料理が嫌いであるのは悲しいことです。 今までの人生で、牛肉を味わったことがありません。牛肉料理、特にビーフステーキはおいしいようですね。 しかし、私は匂いにとても敏感で、その牛肉の匂いに耐えることができません。そして、吐き気さけ感じてしまいます。
ある日、私の父は誕生日パーティーから家に帰り、牛肉料理を持って帰ってきました。匂いがするとすぐに、私たちはそれらを投げ始めました。 私の母は狂ったと父に食べ物を捨てるように指示しました。 彼はキッチンを掃除し、私たちの家の中の牛肉の匂いを消すために掃除を始めました。