
Riza’s Blog14

“The Perks of Money”

Money has its own benefits and drawbacks. Which one do you want to talk about? In this blog, I’ll be sharing how ordinary people spend their money. 

Generally, most people think of buying food as soon as they get their wages. Doing something with an empty stomach doesn’t make us productive, does it? Yes! Don’t forget that health is wealth. The existence of money allows us to buy whatever we need or want. However, do you really think that all people can do that? I guess, there is only a big advantage for those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They don’t need to worry about how to spend their money.

Over the course of a year, most of us are in a murky situation that spending money is a thing that we have to seriously reconsider over and over again. Nevertheless, we still have to enjoy the perks of having money no matter how big or small we’ve got in our hands. 

Do you think so? What are the things that you buy and enjoy? 

Hmm… Let me think. I basically go for food. I love trying different kinds of dishes and in most cases I look for new recipes and try my hand at cooking those at home. My happiness is very simple and that is enjoying great food with my family and friends. Aside from food, of course, some of us spend our money on the internet. In reality, we must embrace digital technologies more and more. Amidst pandemic, the education system in the Philippines is only attainable through online lessons. Since earning money is harder than we expected, consequently it makes us become wiser in spending.






