Sinulog the grandest festival in my home town. The Sinulog is a festival widely identified with Cebu, with the grander and more popular one held and organized in Cebu City annually. However,in 1974 or many years before the Sinulog was first held in Cebu city, Carmen in northern Cebu already held the first one.
The event was started by Fr. Jose Motus from Kalibo, Aklan, who with the help of Carmen residents organized contingents for what was then called the Ati-atihan sa Carmen but renamed the year after to the Sinulog Festival.
Without doubt, the Sinulog in Carmen precedes the Sinulog Festival of Cebu City. This festival is now held on the fourth Sunday of January.
Before pandemic my family friends and relatives usually join the street dancing with our own modified float together with food and drinks enough for the entire day. We also arrange our own motif and style of the shirt to wear for us to be easily recognize form the other group. The after party is the most awaited part of event drinks, party and amazing people are anywhere in the event location.
A night before the big day festival queen is held. This program selects the most outstanding queen. The event program probably starts before lunch time with a street dancing wherein the entire contingent will dance on route. While each contingent is having the street dancing the locals and tourists are granted to join the parade by batch. By the time they reach the stage they need to perform for the ritual showdown. After the ritual showdown and announcement of winners for both open and close category there is fireworks display and amazing after party.
「シヌログ」は私の故郷で最も壮大なお祭りです。 シヌログは、セブで広く知られているお祭りで、毎年セブ市で開催されます。とても人気のあるお祭りです。
このイベントは神父によって始められました。 アクランのカリボ出身のホセ・モトゥスは、カルメンの住民の助けを借りて、当時アティアティハン・サ・カルメンと呼ばれていた派遣団をつくりましたが、翌年にはシヌログ・フェスティバルに改名したとされています。
また、他のグループからも見分けやすいように、独自のモチーフやスタイルをアレンジして参加しています。 アフターパーティーは最も待ち望まれている催し物の一つであり、凄い人たちがイベント内の至るところにいます。
各派遣団がストリートダンスをしている間、地元の人たちや観光客はパレードに参加することができます。 彼ら彼女らがステージに到達するまでの間、儀式の質を争う対決とオープンとクローズの両方のカテゴリーの勝者の発表があります。
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