Kim’s Blog2
How my life shape up

Struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like.
Life was tougher than I thought. I was in a situation that I would have given up my studies in order to continue living and supply my needs. Luckily, my parents supported me all through out and I could find part time job in order to continue studying. Many people would say that I won’t be able to surpass those challenges but I proved them wrong and make it all the way.
If you find yourself stuck in one place then you won’t be able to achieve your goals but if you explore and let negativity blows out, so you can endure it. I had this determination and will to overcome and create my own success with the help and guide from the people behind me. If you believe in yourself then nothing is impossible. No one can belittle you and steal of what you have, so that makes your life meaningful.
人生は思ったより大変でした。 生活をしていくために勉強することを諦めなくてはならない状況にありました。 しかし幸いなことに、両親は私のことをサポートしてくれました。そのお陰もあって勉強を続けるためのアルバイトを見つけることができました。
あなたが自分を信じるなら、不可能なことは何もありません。 誰もあなたを軽蔑してあなたが持っているものを盗むことはできないので、それはあなたの人生を有意義なものにします。