Malou’s Blog4
“Changes in the Transportation System in my city and in the whole Philippines”

Transportation System has started to be modernized in Cebu and other areas in the whole Philippines. Way back in the past years before the pandemic there were many jeepneys and it was the most common type of transportation for commuters. However, now, more of our transportation means are of buses than jeepneys. Some people enjoy the conveniences of getting on buses due to its good atmosphere as most of them are air-conditioned, though others are not because they are just ordinary. In my case I am not a choosy person, so I can choose either of the two. In addition to this, I have mixed emotions on the changes of our transportation means, I am happy that the Philippines can soon follow the other developed countries’ type of transportation, but on the other side of me I am as well sad because the “fare” on buses is expensive and I am also worried about the many poor people in the Philippines because they will not be able to easily go from one place to another because they don’t have enough money to pay for buses. Actually, I was happy for more than a month because our government has connected with buses and they offered “free rides”, but last June 30, 2021 was the last day of the “free rides offer”.
Many things have changed in my city and in the whole Philippines because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought advantages and disadvantages to people.