April’s Blog7
What kind of movie genres do you like?
Each one of us has a preference of everything that we can see. One of those things is about the different genres of movies. Since I was in elementary, I have been dreaming of different scenarios in life, which I haven’t met in the real life and maybe that is the reason why I love watching films and movies to feed my imagination about the dreams that I had. Human as we are, we love to imagine things whether it is good and bad. Through watching the different genres of movies, we have the chance to be inspired, to be sad, to be happy or even to be scared based on the genre of movie that we are going to watch.
These are the genres that I like…

Why do I like these genres?
I like these movie genres from romance, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, adventure, thriller, suspense, horror and comedy because the stories are inspiring and very instructive in some point of our lives.
Watching movies is a tool for me to relax, enjoy and learn because there are stories that can move us through their lessons or teachings presented in different scenes. Some movies are based on a true story that are portrayed by actors and actresses and characterized different characters in the story.
There are tragic stories that we can learn the importance of one’s life when the person is gone forever. By watching this kind of story, we are given a chance to connect the situation in a real life and somehow change the person’s perspective after watching.
These are the titles and scenes of the movies that I like.
私たちは皆、見ることができるすべてのものに対して好みを持っています。 それらの1つは、映画のさまざまなジャンルに関するものです。 小学校時代から、実生活では出会ったことのない、さまざまなストーリーを夢見てきたはずです。それが、自分の夢を想像するために映画や映画を見るのが好きな理由かもしれません。 私たち人間は、それが良いか悪いかを想像するのが大好きです。 さまざまなジャンルの映画を見ることで、刺激を受けたり、悲しんだり、幸せになったり、怖がったりします。
人が亡くなったとき、私たちが自分の人生の重要性を学ぶことができるという悲劇的な話があります。 このような話を見ることで、実生活の状況をつなぎ、見た後の人生の視点をどうにか変えるかの機会が与えられるということです。