Yani’s Blog10
Another Year of Milestone

A birthday is the happiest day of one’s life. This day not only makes the birthday boy or girl happy but also injects the family members with cheerful vibes. That’s the reason everyone is so excited to celebrate birthdays.
Instead of commemorating something that is revered on a societal level, birthdays are an opportunity to celebrate our own unique lives. It’s a time to look back on the great things we have done and to ponder on the things we hope to do next. Plus, it’s a day to enjoy cake, gifts, fun activities, and whatever else makes us very happy. Birthdays also motivate us to improve our lives.
Birthday celebrations also make us feel loved, which can be a nice way to increase our mental health—especially during stressful times.
That day was just like every other day I had been living, in which I counted my blessings, worked towards my goals, enjoyed as much of everything as I could, treated myself to a reward at the end of the day, and just felt happy overall.
However you choose to celebrate your birthday, I am sure you agree that it is among the most joyful times of our life. I also hope that you can see how the joy of birthdays does not have to be limited to annual celebrations. If you can celebrate each day like a birthday, happiness can be something that you can experience every day, not just once a year.
誕生日は人生で最も幸せな日ですよね。 誕生日を迎える男の子や女の子を幸せにするだけでなく、家族に陽気な雰囲気を与えてくれます。 それが、誰もが誕生日を祝うことにとてもワクワクする理由です。
誕生日は、社会レベルで敬われる何かを記念するのではなく、私たち自身のユニークな生活を祝う機会となります。 今こそ、私たちが成し遂げた素晴らしいことを振り返り、次にやりたいことについて考えるべき時です。 さらに、ケーキ、ギフト、楽しいアクティビティなど、私たちをとても幸せにするものを楽しむ日にもなるでしょう。 誕生日はまた、私たちの生活をより良いものにするために私たちを動機づけしてくれます。
みなさん自身で誕生日を祝うことを選んだとしても、それが私たちの人生で最も楽しい時間の一つになることでしょう。 また、誕生日の喜びが毎年恒例のお祝いに限定される必要がないことを知って貰えたらと思います。 誕生日のように毎日を祝うことができれば、幸せは年に一度だけでなく、毎日味わうことができます。