Josie’s Blog10
My Cousin’s Wedding

April 10, 2021 was my cousin’s wedding. To be honest, when she told me that she’ll get married I was in awe and happy for her. Time flies so fast and I couldn’t imagined it because we used to play when we were a kid and I realize how life changes. Before the wedding day, we stayed in the house of her soon-to-be-husband. I could say that it was a memorable day because on that day it was my birthday and I celebrated with them. We had a simple celebration like pizza and ice cream. On the next day, it’s the wedding day, we woke up early to prepare. The make-up artists arrived at 8:00 AM and they had to start early since there were several bridesmaid. After having our make-up, the photographer took a picture all of us and we did many things. Despite it’s tiring but it was quite fun. When the ceremony started, and my cousin walking on the isle I couldn’t help but to cry because the memories we had when we were a kid suddenly flashbacked. After the ceremony, we directly go to the wedding reception and there many activities happened on that time such as wedding games and picture taking of family members. Although several of my cousins’ did not attend because the place was a little bit far, however it was still memorable.