Malou’s Blog10
My Kind of Doughnut Obsession

What is the best match for coffee?…Actually, there are a lot to choose from. However, in my case I have loved doughnuts to be matched with my morning habit of coffee drinking. Let’s just say, I am obsessed with that habit. Though I am sometimes sad because I can’t afford to eat all of my favorite doughnut flavors from my preferred doughnut shops since these are too expensive for me.
Luckily, I could find some alternatives like, I discovered a bakeshop, which sells simple, but very delicious doughnuts.
Many Filipinos like bread and doughnuts as food for breakfast because we always pair either of these two to a hot cup of coffee before going to work and or going to school.

Our country has many doughnuts shops, which are commonly found in public places like parks and shopping malls.
Mister Donuts, Go Nuts Donuts, Happy Haus Donuts, J.CO, Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts – these are the top six famous doughnut brands in the whole Philippines.
My favorite are the mouth – watering doughnuts of J.CO. Their products have been so famous internationally. Whenever you visit a J.CO shop here in the Philippines you can really see the long queue of people who are patiently waiting just to really buy and tastes their ultimate favorite J.CO doughnuts. However, now we are still in the Covid – 19 pandemic, so not very many people fall in line, which is a little different from when we didn’t have the pandemic yet.
Last week, I was so happy when I received a food delivery and that was a box of my favorite, J.CO doughnuts. Thanks to my sister, who is also a fan of doughnuts.

コーヒーに最適なものは何でしょうか?選択肢はたくさんあります。 しかし、私の場合、朝のコーヒーを飲む習慣にマッチするのがドーナツで、大好きなものの1つです。 私はその習慣に夢中になっているとだけ言っておきましょう。 好きなドーナツショップで好きなフレーバーを全部食べたいですが、値段が高いので残念に思うこともありますが..
私のお気に入りは-J.COの水まきドーナツです。 この店の製品は国際的にとても有名です。 ここフィリピンのJ.COショップを訪れると、本当にお気に入りのJ.COドーナッツを本当に買って味わうためだけに辛抱強く待っている人々の長い列を目の当たりにすることができます。しかし、現在、私たちはまだCovid19のパンデミックの最中にいます。そのため、列に並ぶ人はそれほど多くありません。これは、パンデミックがなければ大行列でしょう。