Jovit’s Blog10

Sometimes, it comes to life that urge of turning yourself off from anything, just like a device that can’t be reached, out of coverage.
This generation is a time that you don’t literally go out to have a glimpse of the outside world. You just have to be part of the internet community and the world is just one click away.
These days, being away from the public physically doesn’t mean you’re out of reach or out of harm’s way. Getting yourself involved in the online world has its ups and downs. Yes it’s a fact that having access on the internet means having the surveillance of what’s happening around. Yet it also means you are in everyone else’s watch. You might say, why would anyone monitor my life? I’m not even famous. Well, we don’t know about that. For our own safety, we should always be cautious about what we share on social media, especially on our whereabouts.
In my country, it is very common for us to share everything that we do on Facebook, like literally or figuratively everything. This tagline “#ATM”, which stands for, at the moment, is a common description we post on Facebook when sharing about what we do at the very moment of our lives. This might be very funny to foreigners, but this kind of practice is rampant, though a little annoying as not everyone is interested about someone’s day to day life, this is unfortunately considered normal in the Philippines.
Do you think it’s good practice? How would you feel if you have a friend on Facebook who is like that?
And not only that. When your friend on Facebook feels sad, happy or angry, expect that person to post her/his emotions on the share wall, and you also have to get through it. Sometimes, you just want to unfriend these kinds of people but you should not, because if they realize that you have unfriended them on social platforms, then it would mean war to them. LOL!
This revelation sounds exaggerated yet somehow and at some point, this is a fact.
So sometimes, it is normal if you consider turning your online connection off in the Philippines.
私の国では、Facebookですべてを共有することは非常に一般的です。 このタグライン「#atm」は、現時点では、私たちが生活の瞬間に何をするのかを共有するとき、Facebookで投稿する一般的な説明です。 これは外国人にとって非常に面白いかもしれませんが、誰もが一日の日々の人生に誰かの日に興味があるわけではありませんが、これは残念ながらフィリピンで普通と考えられています。
あなたはそれが良い練習だと思いますか? あなたがそのようなFacebook上の友人がいるなら、あなたはどのように感じますか?
それだけではありません。 Facebook上の友人が悲しい、幸せまたは怒っていると感じたとき、その人は感情を投稿することを期待しています。 時々、あなたはただこれらの人々に友好的になりたいとは思わないかもしれませんが、彼らがソーシャルプラットフォーム上でそれらに気づいているならば、それは彼らにとって紛争を巻き起こす意味をなすからです!