Yani’s Blog13
So Good Food Blog
Just like every Filipino, I am also a fan of Jollibee, ever since I was little.
Jollibee has an indescribable charisma that captures the hearts of Filipino kids, a devotion that has stayed with them no matter how many new food experiences they’d tried.

In 1975, the UST chemical engineering graduate Tony Tan Caktiong started an ice cream store in Cubao. Since his customers are looking for hot meals as well, he eventually added those in the menu then turned his store to become the first Jollibee outlet. It became such a massive hit that by 1978, Jollibee had seven branches already. The number of Jollibee stores just kept growing since then.
One of their specialties, of which they are very known for, is their Chicken Joy. Jollibee is a chicken over burger now in terms of branding. Who isn’t familiar with this tasty treat? Of course, I didn’t pass up on the chance of getting my hands on this fast food wonder when I visited Jollibee’s Pioneer branch.
We all know that currently, our fellow citizens seem to be divided in many things. But when it comes to Chicken Joy, they seemed to be all on the same path of agreeing that this is one of the best fried chicken on top of mind. Its “Crispylicious, Juicylicious, and Gravalicious” taglines stick and they make much sense. This bone-in chicken is cooked to a golden crisp, and has a distinct savory after taste.
You can visit any Jollibee branch near you and avail of Chickenjoy for dine-in, take-out, delivery or drive-thru. The prices start at PHp75.00 for 1 pc. Meal of Chickenjoy which comes with rice and gravy so hurry and get your Chickenjoy now!
1975年に、UST化学工学大学院Tのon Tan Caktiongはキューバオでアイスクリーム店を始めました。 お客さんたちは暖かい食事を探しているので、彼は最終的にメニューの中にアイスクリームを追加し、その後彼の店を最初のJollibeeの出口戦略になるようにしました。 そして1978年に大きなヒットとなりました。Jollibeeはもう7つの支店を持っていました。 jollibee店の数は、それ以来成長し続けています。
私たち全員が現在、分断されているかのように過ごしています。 しかし、チキンジョイを目の当たりにしたら、まるでそれらが最高なものであるかのように感じますCrispylicious、Juicylicious、そしてGravalious」のタグラインスティックなど、それらには多くの意味があります。 この鶏は黄金色のクリスプに調理され、異なる味や風味があります。